Jiuzhaigou National Park (九寨沟国家公园)

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Основано на отзывах: 10


Sandro B
100 month ago
Beautiful. In wintertime be aware about: weather forecast, bus timings (around 2 Rize valley service is ending), planks between locations are closed so only way is the main road.
105 month ago
Beautiful park. Drive by yourself if you can. Otherwise the private/chartered bus is the way to go. Public buses that run throughout get packed
Paul H
117 month ago
Stunning lakes and landscapes. Stay a few days and do the walking trails to avoid crowds.
Laura C
118 month ago
Beautiful natural park with lightblue lakes and wide waterfalls. For foreign pepole is difficoult to understand everything because they do not speak english.
Gianmarco M
118 month ago
The most crowded park I ever seen. Chinese people form an human snakes that flow like a river. If you are not chinese be prepared to do a lot of selfies with them.
Müller Italia
120 month ago
Uno stupendo luogo incontaminato dove poter parlare alla natura, e soprattutto ascoltarla.
Natalia K
126 month ago
In my opinion, the most beautiful park in China, Sadly, also the most tourist-packed. Plan your trip carefully and use these tips to avoid crowds: http://bit.ly/J48921
5 B
128 month ago
Jiuzhaigou Valley 九寨沟 literally "Valley of Nine Villages" a nature reserve and national park located in the north of Sichuan,China, many multi-level waterfalls, colorful lakes, and snow-capped peaks
5 B
128 month ago
JZG was inscribed by UNESCO as a WorldHeritageSite in 1992 & a World Biosphere Reserve in 1997. It belongs to the category V (Protected Landscape) in the IUCN system of protected area categorization.
Kae ? ?
143 month ago
Jiuzhaigou Valley ( Chinese: 九寨沟 ) is a nature reserve and national park located in northern Sichuan . It is known for its many multi-level waterfalls, colorful lakes, and snow-capped peaks.
  • 四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州九寨沟县 漳扎镇, Aba, Sichuan Sheng, Китай, GPS: 33.2688,103.917404
  • +86 837 773 9777