Liberty Hospital

Основано на отзывах: 10


Karen M
104 month ago
Maybe it's time for Fees to be followed, stalked, monitored, and lose personal possessions including, credit and money. Do you want non qualified employees doing procedures on you, don't go here
Karen M
104 month ago
Fees and family living off the income of families he took their jobs from. Karma will come. Treat people fairly, have nothing to worry about. Fees, we all know what, where you drive and live.
Karen M
104 month ago
Fees and family will need medical treatment. The actions of Fees with previous employees and their families will not be forgotten. Fees is not worthy of any special treatment.
Karen M
112 month ago
I will not forget the anger of how David Fees betrayed me in a legal matter. How does his wife and kids live and sleep with a TRAITOR! How disgusting to live like he does.
Karen M
112 month ago
New buildings made to make the citizens of Liberty that the hospital is growing only to be empty soon because the hospital is upside down in debt and misused the city of Liberty's money . Betrayal
Deanna J
117 month ago
Getting my baby Daija checked out. I told her she is covered by the blood!!
Ashlea-Macks S
122 month ago
This place is bullshit.... Been waiting over 25 minutes in the ER and no one else is waiting and the staff is joking around like I'm not even here
Erin W
131 month ago
Most ppl wouldn't consider Liberty for open heart surgery but they do amazing things here!
Samantha R
131 month ago
Have had a great experience with the nurses, they are amazing! They make an unpleasant event easier to deal with. Internal Medicine was incredible.... Neurology, NO. Unless you have a textbook case.
Diana W
134 month ago
They are way too slow. You can hear them talking and joking around without attending to the patients in pain.