Peace Arch Border Crossing

Основано на отзывах: 10


Andy M
66 month ago
Usually the left lane is faster when crossing from USA to Canada. Depending on how many lanes are open through the Canadian border, the left lane often splits into more than the right lane.
Vesna S
69 month ago
Paranoid 'Murricans. I wonder if you realise that not EVERYONE is out to get you and not everyone wants to live in your country?! I wish people were as free to travel as they were in '70s and '80s. 😔
Gaston M
81 month ago
Be ready to play 20 questions with the Canadian border guy/gal....
John H
115 month ago
Easy going into Canada but takes forever going back. Be prepared for long wait times to go back to the states.
Michael C
118 month ago
Slooooooow, take most left lane going back into Canada to avoid the slowing down by pricks cutting in constantly on the right... Or be a prick yourself and jump the queue.
Gagan D
129 month ago
Your zen moment. Brought to you by your neighborhood customs officials.
Chris H
130 month ago
If you're entering from Canada, the left lane moves faster than the right lane because it feeds into far more lanes when you get closer to the checkpoint stations.
Elizabeth L
143 month ago
If you have to wait at the border you can always read the many Border Tips like we just did now. Some are really interesting and original, a few are stupid, but all in all the time goes by faster :-)
Kimberly S
150 month ago
If the line is too long here. Try the boarder crossing at 176 pacific hwy, which is just 5 min away from peace arch but the line is usually shorter
Dana F
159 month ago
With the new crossing, it's all about the left lane. Right directs you to one booth; left plenty, if they're open. You can cut out of the Nexus lane if it's going slow.